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About Page

Update about page design UI and content article page.

About Page Data

Now you can change and update home page design UI or update article content , access on data/About.json and open with code editor

SEO for About Page

First, you need to set up your SEO, so you can update your title, description, url and cover image here.

Example code

  "title": "About Docusa - New Docusaurus Themes",
"description": "Docusa is a new documentation website for your docusaurus project - Modern and New Documentation Website Themes for Docusarurs Project.",
"url": "/about",
"image": "img/docs.svg",

Header area

For the update header area you can find this line code and update it according to your needs.


  "header": {
"title": "About Docusa",
"description": "Modern and New Documentation Website Themes for Docusarus Project.",
"image": "img/docs.svg"

Intro area

For the update intro area you can find this line code and update it according to your needs.


  "intro": {
"title": "Make it easy with Docusa",
"description": "Docusa is a project developed to make it easier for users to work, with the various features available making you more comfortable using docuna in developing documentation sites with modern designs.."

Section 1 area

For the update section 1 area you can find this line code and update it according to your needs.


  "section_1": {
"title": "JSON data makes everything easy",
"description": "There's no need to hardcode to update designs or write static page content, this is because Docusa uses JSON to make it easy for you to make changes quickly, and is easy to develop for integration with Headless CMS as your backend.",
"image": "img/colabs.svg"

Section 2 area

For the update section 2 area you can find this line code and update it according to your needs.


  "section_2": {
"title": "Write fast with Markdown or MDX",
"description": "Using markdown makes writing easier and faster, for updating blog and documentation pages, MDX support makes it easier for you to customize according to your needs. Docusaurus also makes it easy for you to grouping based on your documentation categories, to make it easier for readers or web visitor to get clearer and more complete information on your documentation site.",
"image": "img/clouddoc.svg"

Section 3 area

For the update section 3 area you can find this line code and update it according to your needs.


  "section_3": {
"title": "The React Technology",
"description": "By default, the Docusa theme is developed in docusaurus, and runs on modern website technology with React. React is a popular frontend that is widely used in the world, this is because React has complete features and good SEO capabilities.",
"text": "So what are you waiting for?? Get started now with the Docusa theme, to help you develop and build modern website documentation.",
"image": "img/documentationweb.svg"