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New Article Docs

Create new article documentation page

Create New Docs Article

For create new article docs, you can access on docs/yourgroupdocfolder for example you have group categories docs get-start , so you can open docs/get-start folder.

Now you can create new markdown files and name it with your url link for documentation article - for example

Docs Frontmatter

Next, you can add this frontmatter on files


title: Your Article title docs here...
description: Your description about article docs here...
image: insert url link image for article docs page cover...
sidebar_position: Insert position number for your article on sidebar here...

Write your article docs with markdown here....


title: Installation
description: How to install docusa docusarus themes template project
image: img/docusaurus.png
sidebar_position: 3

# Installation Docusa

How to install docusa docusarus themes template project

## Access Project

Oke now you can open terminal and access in to your project folder. for example we have create new project folder and call it `docusa` on desktop., so you can run this command.

`cd C:\Users\pcname\Desktop\docusa`

Change pcname with your devices pc name

## Run Installation

Now we can run installation with this command

`npm install`

if you use yarn you can run this command

`yarn install`